ECG based apnea detection by multirate processing hybrid of wavelet-empirical decomposition Hjorth features extraction and neural networks

TitleECG based apnea detection by multirate processing hybrid of wavelet-empirical decomposition Hjorth features extraction and neural networks
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsKhandelwal S, Salankar N, Qaisar SMian, Upadhyay J, Plawiak P

Sleep Apnea (SA) can cause health complications including heart stroke and neurological disorders. The Polysomnography (PSG) test can detect the severity of sleep disturbance. However, it is expensive and requires a dedicated sleep laboratory and expertise to examine the patients. Therefore, it is not available to a large population in developing countries. This leads to the development of cost-effective and automated patient examination methods for the detection of sleep apnea. This study suggests an approach of using the ECG signals to categorize sleep apnea. In this work, we have devised an original technique of feature space designing by intelligently hybridizing the multirate processing, a mix of wavelet-empirical mode decomposition (W-EMD), modes-based Hjorth features extraction, and Adam-based optimized Multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) for automated categorization of apnea. A publicly available ECG dataset is used for evaluating the performance of the suggested approach. Experiments are performed for four different sub-bands of the considered ECG signals. For each selected sub-band, five "Intrinsic Mode Functions" (IMFs) are extracted. Onward, three Hjorth features: complexity, activity, and mobility are mined from each IMF. In this way, four feature sets are formed based on wavelet-driven selected sub-bands. The performance of optimized MLPNN, for the apnea categorization, is compared for each feature set. Five different evaluation parameters are used to assess the performance. For the same dataset, a systematic comparison with current state-of-the-artwork has been done. Results have shown a classification accuracy of 98.12%.


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