Pipelines are the most effective way to transport fluids (e.g. water, oil and gas). However, leakage of fluids into the environment results in resource wastage (especially water, which is becoming a scare resource) and environmental pollution (in the case of leakage of toxic fluids like oil and gas). Apart from environmental damage, leakage of fluids such as oil, gas, and chemicals results in financial costs. These fluids are expensive, and companies may need to pay for damages and the cleaning of the leaked fluids from the environment. Thus, the detection of leakage and timely response is essential to mitigate the risk posed by leaks to he sustainable transportation of fluids in pipelines. The most popular approach to detecting leakages in pipelines is to install sensors (e.g. temperature, pressure, flow, or vibration sensors) along the pipeline to detect leakages.
An Investigation of Energy-Efficiency and Reliability Strategies in Linear Wireless Sensor Networks (LWSN) for Pipeline Monitoring
Historia zmian
Pipelines are the most effective way to transport fluids (e.g. water, oil and gas). However, leakage of fluids into the environment results in resource wastage (especially water, which is becoming a scare resource) and environmental pollution (in the case of leakage of toxic fluids like oil and gas). Apart from environmental damage, leakage of fluids such as oil, gas, and chemicals results in financial costs. These fluids are expensive, and companies may need to pay for damages and the cleaning of the leaked fluids from the environment. Thus, the detection of leakage and timely response is essential to mitigate the risk posed by leaks to he sustainable transportation of fluids in pipelines. The most popular approach to detecting leakages in pipelines is to install sensors (e.g. temperature, pressure, flow, or vibration sensors) along the pipeline to detect leakages.