
Found 86 results
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Guo S, Ding L, Zhang Y, Skibniewski MJ, Liang K.  2019.  Hybrid recommendation approach for behavior modification in the Chinese construction industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 145:04019035.
Pan Y, Zhang L, Wu X, Qin W, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Modeling face reliability in tunneling: A copula approach. Computers and Geotechnics. 109:272–286.
Li K, Luo H, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  A non-centralized adaptive method for dynamic planning of construction components storage areas. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 39:80-94.
Yuan J, Li W, Xia B, Chen Y, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Operation performance measurement of public rental housing delivery by PPPS with fuzzy-AHP comprehensive evaluation. International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 23:328–353.
Zhang L, Wu X, Liu W, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Optimal Strategy to Mitigate Tunnel-Induced Settlement in Soft Soils: Simulation Approach. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 33:04019058.
Zheng C, Yuan J, Li L, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Process-Based Identification of Critical Factors for Residual Value Risk in China's Highway PPP Projects. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019
Yuan J, Ji W, Guo J, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Simulation-based dynamic adjustments of prices and subsidies for transportation PPP projects based on stakeholders’ satisfaction. Transportation. 46:2309–2345.
Pan Y, Zhang L, Wu X, Zhang K, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Structural health monitoring and assessment using wavelet packet energy spectrum. Safety Science. 120:652–665.
Zhou C, Ding L, Zhou Y, Skibniewski MJ.  2019.  Visibility graph analysis on time series of shield tunneling parameters based on complex network theory. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 89:10–24.
Zhang LM, Wu XG, Skibniewski MJ, Fang WL, Deng QL.  2015.  Conservation of historical buildings in tunneling environments: Case study of Wuhan Metro construction in China. Construction and Building Materials. 82:310-322.
Zhang LM, Wu XG, Chen QQ., Skibniewski MJ, Zhong JB.  2015.  Developing a cloud model based risk assessment methodology for tunnel- induced damage to existing pipelines. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 29(2):513-526.
Xianguo W, Huitao L, Limao Z, Skibniewski MJ, Qianli D, Jiaying T.  2015.  A dynamic Bayesian network based approach to safety decision support in tunnel construction. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 134:157–168.
Wu XG, Wang YH, Zhang LM, Ding LY, Skibniewski MJ, Zhong JB.  2015.  A Dynamic Decision Approach for Risk Analysis in Complex Projects. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 79(3-4):591-601.
Wu X.G., Jiang Z., Zhang L.M., Skibniewski MJ, Zhong J.B..  2015.  Dynamic risk analysis for adjacent buildings in tunneling environments: a Bayesian network based approach. Stochastic Enveronmental Research and Risk Assessment. 29:1447–1461.
Ding LI, Wu XG, Zhang LM, Skibniewski MJ.  2015.  How to protect historical buildings against tunnel-induced damage: A case study in China. . Journal of Cultural Heritage. 16(6):904-911.
Lu Y., Li Y., Skibniewski MJ, Wu Z., Wang R., Le Y..  2015.  Information and communication technology applications in architecture, engineering, and construction organizations: a 15 year review. Journal of Management in Engineering. 31
