Dynamic Positioning Interval Based On Reciprocal Forecasting Error (DPI-RFE) Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Mobile IoT Indoor Positioning

TytułDynamic Positioning Interval Based On Reciprocal Forecasting Error (DPI-RFE) Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Mobile IoT Indoor Positioning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Rok publikacji2021
AutorzySaylam A, Kelesoglu N, Cikmazel ROrhan, Nakip M, Rodoplu V
Conference NameInternational Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS)
Conference LocationIstanbul, Turkey
Słowa kluczoweArtificial Intelligence (AI), energy-efficient, indoor positioning, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine learning, mobility prediction

We develop an algorithm called “Dynamic Positioning Interval based on Reciprocal Forecasting Error (DPIRFE)” for energy-efficient mobile Internet of Things (IoT) Indoor Positioning (IP). In contrast with existing IP algorithms, DPIRFE forecasts the future trajectory of a mobile IoT device by using machine learning and dynamically adjusts the positioning interval based on the reciprocal instantaneous forecasting error, thereby dynamically trading off transmit energy consumption against forecasting error. We compare the performance of DPIRFE with respect to the total transmit energy consumption and the average forecasting error against Constant Positioning Interval (CPI) and Positioning Interval based on Displacement (PID) algorithms. Our results show that DPI-RFE significantly outperforms both of these benchmark algorithms with respect to transmit energy consumption while achieving a competitive average forecasting error performance. These results open the way to the design of machine learning based trajectory forecasting algorithms that can be utilized for energy-efficient positioning in next-generation wireless networks.


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Data aktualizacji: 02/12/2021 - 12:08; autor zmian: Mert Nakip (mnakip@iitis.pl)