prof. dr hab. inż. Ewaryst Tkacz Email: Horizontal TabsPublikacje(aktywna karta)ProjektyPublikacje Biblio RSS 2016 1. Kostka, P. S., and E. Tkacz, "Feature fusion for sleep bruxism detection and prevention based on micro motion accelerations from MEMS sensor and EMG, ECG and HRV signals analysis.", 38th IEEE/EMBS Annual International Conference, 2016. (326.41 KB) 2015 2. Komorowski, D., and E. Tkacz, "A new method for attenuation of respiration artifacts in electrogastrographic (EGG) signals", 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC): IEEE, 2015. (697.82 KB) 3. Mika, B., D. Komorowski, and E. Tkacz, "Empirical Mode Decomposition for slow wave extraction from electrogastrographical signals", 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC): IEEE, 2015. (707.15 KB) 4. Kostka, P. S., and E. Tkacz, "Multi-sources data analysis with sympatho-vagal balance estimation toward early bruxism episodes detection", 2015 37th Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society (EMBC): IEEE, 2015. (943.33 KB) 2014 5. Nitecka-Buchta, A., E. Tabeńska-Bosakowska, J. Batko-Kapustecka, E. Tkacz, and S. Baron, "Occlusal equilibration in a patient with painful TMD after orthodontic treatment-case report", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 138–143, 2014. (590.95 KB) 6. Walczyńska-Dragon, K., S. Baron, A. Nitecka-Buchta, and E. Tkacz, "Correlation between TMD and Cervical Spine Pain and Mobility: Is the Whole Body Balance TMJ Related?", BioMed Research International, vol. 2014, pp. 7 pages, 2014. (3.05 MB) 7. Kostka, P., and E. Tkacz, "Bruxism episodes detection based on hybrid biomedical signal processing methods", Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism: International Centre of Biocybernetics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 25–28, 2014. 8. Palla, S., T. Kato, I. Provaznik, E. Tkacz, and S. Baron, Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism: International Centre of Biocybernetics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2014. 9. Tkacz, E., I. Provaznik, and P. Kostka, "Application of Advanced Spectral Analysis for Rehabilitation Progress Estimation Concerning Patients after Ischemic Brain Stroke", International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, vol. 4, pp. 82, 2014. (1.02 MB) 10. Nitecka-Buchta, A., S. Klaczek, B. Marta, M. Cop, K. Kaźmierczak, K. Kozieł, M. Musiał, S. Baron, and E. Tkacz, "Hot or not: indirect analysis of deep tissue temperature in patients with painful temporomandibular disorder (TMD)", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, vol. 3, pp. 67–70, 2014. (826.32 KB) Projektyiitis employee projects: 1. Opracowanie nowej metodologii badawczej dotyczącej diagnostyki oraz terapii bruksizmu. (2012/07/B/ST6/01238, 2013 - 2016)