Our friend Katarzyna Filus was decorated by the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology with the OMNIUM STUDIOSORUM OPTIMO medal - "the best among students" and the Rector's Award of the 1st degree.
- Author: Arkadiusz Sochan | Post date: 03.11.2021
- Author: Maciej Skrabski | Post date: 10.09.2021
Director and Science council of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, would like to invite you to a public defense of Adam Glos, MSc, doctoral dissertation.
- Author: Łukasz Zimny | Post date: 01.04.2021
We invite to join IoT Day Roundtable: 9 April 2021, 12.00-13.30 CET - an online discussion led by Erol Gelenbe, Jonha Soldatos, Sofia Tsekeridou, Andras Vilmos on safe Internet of Things in the achievements of the IoTAC_H2020 and H2020 SERIOT projects in the perspective of the EUIOT roadmap H2020
- Author: Łukasz Zimny | Post date: 29.03.2021
Reflections on the dissemination of knowledge through major international conferences, academic journals, and free and fast communication between researchers and innovators in the context of reducing the climate footprint'', second edition of a report written by a group of researches under direct
- Author: Arkadiusz Sochan | Post date: 24.03.2021
The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in consortium with AIUT sp. z o.o. company, started the implementation of a three-year project, "Intelligence Augmentation Ecosystem for analysts of water distribution networks - WaterPrime" (2021-2023), subsidised from the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 of the European Regional Development Fund by the Intermediate Body: National Center for Research and Development.
- Author: Jarosław Miszczak | Post date: 25.02.2021
In the years 2021-2023, the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences will participate in the implementation of the EuroHPC PL project. The project aims to provide infrastructure for advanced scientific computing, including using quantum technologies. The work carried out at IITiS PAN will focus on providing tools supporting the programming of quantum computers.
- Author: Jarosław Miszczak | Post date: 15.02.2021
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Bartłomiej Gardas, a member of the Quantum Systems of Informatics Group, received funding for the project entitled "Simulations of physical systems using near future annealing technology". More information on the project is available in the short description on the NCN website.
- Author: Łukasz Zimny | Post date: 14.01.2021
On 22 January 2021 at 11am EST (New York/Toronto), Prof. Erol Gelenbe will give an on-line seminar, one of IEEE CSIM-TC Virtual Seminar Series -
Title: Energy Savings in Systems and Networks. Connection Details will be provided prior to the seminar.