About the Institute

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences is a research institute whose science activity concentrates in the area of Information Technology. The Institute is also involved in training an advanced level technical and scientific staff and both initiates and participates in projects aimed at development of innovative commercial sector. ITAI takes part in realization of Polish Academy of Sciences' mission of advancement promotion, integration and dissemination of Polish science and contributes to education and national culture.

  • Prof. Erol Gelenbe has become a member of ALLEA committee on fake news, chaired by the president of the of l'Académie des sciences de Suede. ALLEA is the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, representing more than 50 academies from over 40 countries in Europe.

  • We are pleased to announce that our employee, dr hab. Paweł Pławiak , he was awarded a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists in 2020. Congratulations! P>

  • Obrona pracy doktorskiej Mateusza Ostaszewskiego
    Obrona pracy doktorskiej Mateusza Ostaszewskiego

    We are pleased to announce that as a result of the defense of the dissertation Application of machine leanring in quantum computer science at the Institute today, Mr. Mateusz Ostaszewski was awarded the PhD degree in the field of technical sciences in the area of computer science and telecommunications. The IITiS PAN Scientific Council decided to award a doctoral with distinction. Thank you for the participation in the defense. Congratulations to Dr. Ostaszewski!

  • The Director of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences announces a competition for the post-doc (1 full-time). The deadline for submission of documents: 2020-05-25, 12:00

  • Date: 

    13/11/2019 - 13:00


    Konrad Jałowiecki, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

    We present how to find a low-energy spectrum for small (N <50) spin glasses of any structure, using modern GPUs or similar heterogeneous architecture. The presented algorithm performs a full review of all possible system configurations in order to select l << 2N states with the lowest energy, together with the corresponding energies.

  • Skyhacks #s, 25-27.10.2019, Gliwice

    We are pleased to announce that our institute has taken the honorary patronage of the second edition of the nationwide competition in team programming #skyhacks. The event is organized by Skygate and will take place in Gliwice from October 25th to 27th.

    Even page at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2476993662366910/

  • IITiS PAN is a coordinator of Horizon 2020 project " SerIoT - Secure and Safe Internet of Things " (http://www.seriot-project.eu). The scientific head of the project is prof. Erol Gelenbe from IITiS PAN.

    The project has just passed the review of the state of the project after half of its duration (Month 18). The review was held at the hospitable Tecnalia premises near Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, on the 12th of September. Representatives of all 15 partners in the consortium met with the reviewers and the project officer. The review was preceded by three days of technical preparations.

  • Date: 

    17/09/2019 - 13:00


    Piotr Bełdowski, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy

    Synovial fluid present in natural joints is composed in over 70% of water, yet it shows up remarkable lubricating properties, which are in part a result of interactions between hyaluronic acid and common phospholipids. I will present a current state of knowledge on the mechanism of lubrication in articular cartilage. Then, I will show the results of molecular dynamics simulations an experimental measurements of hyaluronic acid and phospholipids interactions and address these results in terms of the mechanism of lubrication in articular cartilage system.
