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Multimodal imagery in forensic incident scene documentation. Sensors. 21(4)
2021. Skanery3D - trójwymiarowe obrazowanie powierzchni. Inżynieria Biomedyczna - podstawy i zastosowania; Tom 8 - Obrazowanie Biomedyczne.
2020. Applying computational geometry to designing an occlusal splint. Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications. CompIMAGE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol 10986
2019. Applying computational geometry to designing an occlusal splint. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (TCIV).
2019. Matrix and Tensor-Based Approximation of 3D Face Animations from Low-Cost Range Sensors. Computer and Information Sciences.
2018. The Accuracy of a Scene Geometry Based on the Terrestrial Laser Scanner Measurements. Man-Machine Interactions 5. 1:408-417.
2017. Evaluation of the Quality of Photogrammetric Techniques for Site Reconstruction.. Studia Informatica. 38(4(133))
2017. .
Forming an Occlusal Splint to Support the Therapy of Bruxism. Information Technologies in Medicine: 5th International Conference, ITIB 2016 Kamień Śląski, Poland, June 20 - 22, 2016 Proceedings, Volume 2. :267–273.
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Modification of the ICP Algorithm for Detection of the Occlusal Area of Dental Arches. Information Technologies in Medicine: 5th International Conference, ITIB 2016 Kamień Śląski, Poland, June 20 - 22, 2016 Proceedings, Volume 1. :97–106.
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Progressive reduction of meshes with arbitrary selected points. Man-Machine Interactions 4. :525–533.
2016. Comparison of photgrammetric techniques for surface reconstruction from images to reconstruction from laser scanning. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 26:161–178.
2014. Implementation of registration algorithms for multiple views. Man-Machine Interacions 3. :315–323.
2014. Techniques of processing and segmentation of 3d geometric models for detection of the occlusal area of dental arches. Novel Methodology of Both Diagnosis and Therapy of Bruxism. :57–62.
2014. Reconstruction of head surface model from single scan. Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on computer Recognition Systems CORES 2013. :469–478.
2013. Human – Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing. 98
2012. Optimization of Mesh Representation for Progressive Transmission. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 23:263–275.
2011. Virtual Museum as an Example of 3D Content Distribution in the Architecture of a Future Internet. Computer Networks 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science 160.. :459–464.
2011. Applications of Computer Vision in Medicine and Protection of Monuments. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 22:203–223.
2010. Implementation of the View-Dependent Progressive Meshes for Virtual Museum. Conference on Human System Interaction, HIS’2010, Rzeszów.
2010. Implementation of the View-Dependent Progressive Meshes for Virtual Museum. Konf. HSI IEEE 2010. :331–336.
2010. Building the Models of Cultural Heritage Objects Using Multiple 3D Scanners. Theoretical and Applied Informatics. 21:115–129.
2009. From museum exhibits to 3D models. Man-Machine Interactions. :477–486.
2009. Implementation of Progressive Meshes for Hierarchical Representation of Cultural Artifacts. Computer Vision & Graphics, LNCS 5337. :123–132.
2009. Laboratory for the exploration of virtual 3D environments. Annual Report 2009. :57–59.