dr Adam Glos Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6320-7699Stanowisko: adiunkt Informacje: Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?origin=resultslist&authorId=571... Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6320-7699 Scholar: https://scholar.google.pl/citations?user=3f3cR0AAAAAJ&hl=pl Horizontal TabsPublikacje(aktywna karta)ProjektyPublikacje Biblio RSS Submitted 1. Atallah, M., H. Velmurugan, R. Sharma, S. Midha, S. Al Mamun, L. Botelho, A. Glos, and Ö. Salehi, "Integer Factorization through Func-QAOA", arXiv preprint, 09/2023, Submitted. 2. Bakó, B., A. Glos, Ö. Salehi, and Z. Zimborás, "Prog-QAOA: Framework for resource-efficient quantum optimizatino through classical programs", arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.03386, Submitted. 3. Kukulski, R., and A. Glos, "Comment to Spatial Search by Quantum Walk is Optimal for Almost all Graphs", arXiv:2009.13309, Submitted. 2024 4. Kundu, A., L. Botelho, and A. Glos, "Hamiltonian-Oriented Homotopy QAOA", Physical Review A, vol. 109, 02/2024. 2023 5. Glos, A., A. Kundu, and Ö. Salehi, "Optimizing the Production of Test Vehicles using Hybrid Constrained Quantum Annealing", SN Computer Science, vol. 4, issue 5, 2023. 2022 6. Botelho, L. A. S., A. Glos, A. Kundu, J. Miszczak, Ö. Salehi, and Z. Zimborás, "Error mitigation for variational quantum algorithms through mid-circuit measurements", Physical Review A, vol. 105, 2022. 7. Salehi, Ö., A. Glos, and J. Miszczak, "Unconstrained Binary Models of the Travelling Salesman Problem Variants for Quantum Optimization", Quantum Information Processing, vol. 21, 2022. 8. Magano, D., A. Kumar, M. Kālis, A. Locāns, A. Glos, S. Pratapsi, G. Quinta, M. Dimitrijevs, A. Rivošs, P. Bargassa, et al., "Quantum speedup for track reconstruction in particle accelerators", Physical Review D, vol. 105, issue 7, 2022. 9. Glos, A., A. Krawiec, and Z. Zimborás, "Space-efficient binary optimization for variational computing", npj Quantum Information, vol. 8, issue 1, 2022. 2021 10. Glos, A., A. Krawiec, and Ł. Pawela, "Asymptotic entropy of the Gibbs state of complex networks", Scientific Reports, vol. 11, issue 1, 2021. 11. Glos, A., M. Kokainis, R. Mori, and J. Vihrovs, "Quantum Speedups for Dynamic Programming on n-Dimensional Lattice Graphs", 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2021, August 23-27, 2021, Tallinn, Estonia: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2021. 12. Glos, A., N. Nahimovs, K. Balakirev, and K. Khadiev, "Upperbounds on the probability of finding marked connected components using quantum walks", Quantum Information Processing, vol. 20, Jan, 2021. 2020 13. Tabi, Z., K. H. El-Safty, Z. Kallus, P. Hága, T. Kozsik, A. Glos, and Z. Zimborás, "Quantum Optimization for the Graph Coloring Problem with Space-Efficient Embedding", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), pp. 56-62, 2020. 14. Frankiewicz, A., A. Glos, K. Grochla, Z. Łaskarzewski, J. Miszczak, K. Połys, P. Sadowski, and A. Strzoda, "LP WAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm", Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems: Springer, 01/2021, 2020. 2019 15. Glos, A., and T. Januszek, "Impact of global and local interaction on quantum spatial search on chimera graph", International Journal of Quantum Information, vol. 17, issue 5, 2019. 16. Glos, A., "Spectral similarity for Barabási-Albert and Chung-Lu models", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 516, 2019. 17. Glos, A., and J. Miszczak, "The role of quantum correlations in Cop and Robber game", Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, vol. 6, issue 1, 2019. 18. Glos, A., and J. Miszczak, "Impact of the malicious input data modification on the efficiency of quantum spatial search", Quantum Information Processing, vol. 18, 2019. 19. Glos, A., J. Miszczak, and M. Ostaszewski, "QSWalk. jl: Julia package for quantum stochastic walks analysis", Computer Physics Communications, vol. 235, 2019. 2018 20. Glos, A., and T. G. Wong, "Optimal Quantum Walk Search on Kronecker Graphs with Dominant or Fixed Regular Initiators", Phys. Rev. A, vol. 98, issue 6, 2018. 21. Domino, K., and A. Glos, "Introducing higher order correlations to marginals' subset of multivariate data by means of Archimedean copulas", arXiv:1803.07813, 2018. 22. Glos, A., A. Krawiec, R. Kukulski, and Z. Puchała, "Vertices cannot be hidden from quantum spatial search for almost all random graphs", Quantum Information Processing, vol. 17, pp. 81, 2018. 23. Glos, A., J. Miszczak, and M. Ostaszewski, "Limiting properties of stochastic quantum walks on directed graphs", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 51, issue 3, 2018. 24. Domino, K., A. Glos, M. Ostaszewski, Ł. Pawela, and P. Sadowski, "Properties of quantum stochastic walks from the asymptotic scaling exponent", Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 18, issue 3&4, 2018. 2017 25. Domino, K., A. Glos, and M. Ostaszewski, "Superdiffusive quantum stochastic walk definable on arbitrary directed graph", Quantum Information & Computation, vol. 17, issue 11&12, 2017. Strony12następna ›ostatnia » Projektyiitis employee projects: 1. Efektywne pamięciowo kodowanie problemów kombinatorycznych do kwantowych obliczeń wariacyjnych (2020/37/N/ST6/02220, 2021 - 2024) 2. Wpływ zmiany danych wejściowych i modyfikacji parametrów algorytmu na wydajność programów kwantowych (2019/33/B/ST6/02011, 2020 - 2023) 3. Analiza i zastosowanie kwantowego wyszukiwania przestrzennego (2019/32/T/ST6/00158, 2019 - 2021) 4. Wykorzystanie pamięci klasycznej i kwantowej do eksploracji sieci kwantowych (IP 2014 031073, 2015 - 2017) 5. Metody tworzenia, modelowania i analizy protokołów w intersieciach kwantowych (2011/03/D/ST6/00413, 2012 - 2017)