Krzysztof Grochla, DSc Email: Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6221-4790Strona WWW: www.grochla.netPosition: Institute ProfessorResearch groups Internet of Things Group Horizontal TabsPublications Biblio RSS 2024 1. Frankiewicz, A., and K. Grochla, "Ocena wydajności mechanizmu retransmisji TS011_1. 0.0 w sieciach LoRa WAN", Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny+ Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne, 2024. 2. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "The concept of network resource control of a 5G cluster focused on the smart city's critical infrastructure needs", Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 94, 5/2024. 3. Kovtun, V., O. Kovtun, K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "Assessment of Communication Resource Allocation by the Transmission Control Protocol for the Target Virtual Connection under Competitive Conditions", Electronics, vol. 13, issue 7, 3/2024. 4. Gorawski, M., R. Marjasz, K. Grochla, and A. Frankiewicz, "Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumption in Simulated LoRa Water Meter Reconfiguration vs. Real-world Readings", IFIP Networking, Thessaloniki, IEEE, 08/2024. 5. Marjasz, R., K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "A Comprehensive Algorithm for Vertical Positioning in Multi-Building Environments as an Advancement in Indoor Floor-Level Detection", Scientific Reports, vol. 14, issue 14034, 06/2024. 6. Gorawski, M., R. Marjasz, and K. Grochla, "Performance evaluation of the secure multi-tenancy system for smart city IoT environment using open LDAP and Apache Kafka.", 22nd International Industrial Simulation Conference, Valencia, Spain, EUROSIS-ETI, 06/2024. 7. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, S. Aldosary, and M. Al-Maitah, "Analysis of direct traffic at the transport protocol level in the WiMax-1/2 cluster oriented to offload the smart city's wireless ecosystem", Royal Society Open Science, vol. 11, issue 7, 2024. 8. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, M. Al-Maitah, S. Aldosary, and T. Gryshchuk, "Cyber epidemic spread forecasting based on the entropy-extremal dynamic interpretation of the SIR model", Egyptian Informatics Journal, vol. 28, 12/2024. 9. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, M. Al-Maitah, S. Aldosary, and W. Kempa, "Entropy-extreme model for predicting the development of cyber epidemics at early stages", Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, vol. 24, 12/2024. 10. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, E. Zaitseva, and V. Levashenko, "The concept of effective coverage radius use of the unlicensed high-frequency range in the operation of the 5G network", Heliyon, vol. 10, issue 21, 10/2024. 11. Dubovoi, V., M. Yukhimchuk, V. Kovtun, and K. Grochla, "Functional Dependability of Distributed Control of Multi-zone Objects under Failures Conditions", IEEE Access, vol. 12, 2024. 12. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, E. Zaitseva, and V. Levashenko, "The concept of optimal planning of a linearly oriented segment of the 5G network", PLOS ONE, vol. 19, 04/2024. 13. Łaskarzewski, Z., and K. Grochla, "Efektywność Schematu Komunikacyjnego Liczników Mediów w Procesie Zdalnego Odczytu Obchodzonego", Konferencja Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki, Poznań, SIGMA-NOT, 09/2024. 2023 14. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, W. Kempa, and K. Połys, "Reliably Controlling Massive Traffic between a Sensor Network End Internet of Things Device Environment and a Hub Using Transmission Control Protocol Mechanisms", MDPI Electronics, vol. 12, issue 24, 12/2023. 15. Strzoda, A., K. Grochla, P. Głomb, and A. Madej, "Link failure prediction in LoRa networks", International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC, Marrakesh, Morocco, IEEE, 07/2023. 16. Nowak, S., K. Grochla, M. Słabicki, and M. Gorawski, "Efficient Universal Indoor Multicharacteristic Propagation model for indoor environments", 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Marrakesh, Morocco, IEEE, pp. 1052-1058, 07/2023. 17. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "Investigation of the Information Interaction of the Sensor Network end IoT Device and the Hub at the Transport Protocol Level", MDPI Electronics, vol. 12, issue 22, 11/2023. 18. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, T. Altameem, and M. Al-Maitah, "Evaluation of the QoS policy model of an ordinary 5G smart city cluster with predominant URLLC and eMBB traffic", PLOS ONE, 12/2023. 19. Kovtun, V., K. Grochla, V. Kharchenko, M. Anul Haq, and A. Semenov, "Stochastic forecasting of variable small data as a basis for analyzing an early stage of a cyber epidemic", Scientific Reports, vol. 13, 12/2023. 20. Kovtun, V., E. Zaitseva, V. Levashenko, K. Grochla, and O. Kovtun, "Small Stochastic Data Compactification Concept Justified in the Entropy Basis", Entropy, vol. 25, issue 12, 21 November 2023. 2022 21. Strzoda, A., R. Marjasz, and K. Grochla, "How Accurate is LoRa Positioning in Realistic Conditions?", ACM MSWIM 22 - The 25th International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, DIVANET Symposium, New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, 10/2022. 22. Strzoda, A., K. Grochla, and K. Połys, "Variability of BLE Advertisement Packets Received Signal Strength and Delivery Probability in the Presence of Interferences", ACM MSWIM 22 - The 25th International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, DIVANET Symposium, Montreal, Canada, Association for Computing Machinery, 10/2022. 23. Strzoda, A., K. Grochla, A. Frankiewicz, and Z. Łaskarzewski, "Measurements and Analysis of Large Scale LoRa Network Efficiency", International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC , Dubrovnik, Croatia, IEEE, 2022. 24. Kovtun, V., and K. Grochla, "Investigation of the competitive nature of eMBB and mMTC 5G services in conditions of limited communication resource", Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 2022. 25. Grochla, K., A. Strzoda, R. Marjasz, P. Głomb, K. Książek, and Z. Łaskarzewski, "Energy-Aware Algorithm for Assignment of Relays in LPWAN", Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 18, issue 4, 11/2022. Pages123…następna ›ostatnia » Projectsiitis employee projects: 1. Advanced maintenance and diagnostics tool for IT start-ups (FENG.01.01-IP.01-A0GV/24-00, 2025 - 2027) 2. Comparative analysis of analytical (Voltaire integral equations and by Markov chains), numerical (Python, Olympus2, and Mathematica), and simulation (OMNeT++ and FlexSim) approaches to the time characteristics of the length of the first buffer overflow... (IITIS/BW/01/25, 2025 - 2025) 3. Polish Research Infrastructure Network for AI Assisted Science (FENG.02.04-IP.04-0019/24, 2025 - 2029) 4. Infrastructure Recovery through Resilience Stress Testing in Ukraine (2023/05/Y/ST7/00192, 2024 - 2026) 5. Methodology for Increasing the Dependability of Information Systems for Critical Use with a Heterogeneous Wireless Interface (2022/45/P/ST7/03450, 2023 - 2025) 6. Modelling Large Scale IoT Networks based on Low Power Long Range (LoRa) Radio (BPN/BFR/2022/1/00019 , 2023 - 2024) (POIR.01.01.01-00-2612/20, 2021 - 2023) (POIR.01.01.01-00-1414/20, 2021 - 2023) 9. HybridMeshMeet: development of a hybrid system for neighborhood relation detection based on mesh network for MILES industry. (POIR.01.01.01-00-1261/19, 2020 - 2022) 10. Dynamic wireless framework for Smart City IoT infrastructure (POIR.04.01.04-00-00005/17, 2018 - 2021) 11. Optimization and load balancing in next generation wireless networks (LIDER/10/194/L-3/11/, 2013 - 2015) 12. Methods and tools for distributed modeling of wireless networks (N N516 407138, 2010 - 2013) 13. Methods and models for control of congestion and performance evaluation of mechanisms of qualities of services in the next generation internet (N517 025 31/2997, 2006 - 2008) 14. Application of contourlet transform for coding and transmission stereo-images (3 T11C 045 30, 2006 - 2008) 15. Study of possibility based on the long term theoretical knowledge of the JPEG2000 algorithms and his implementation in the DSP TMS320C6414 and FPGA from Xilinx (-, 2005 - 2007) 16. Parameter's tuning of the traffic shaping algorithms in the Internet Protocol (3 T11C 040 27, 2004 - 2006) 17. Nano and quantum systems of informatics (7 T11C 017 21, 2001 - 2003) Redakcja 2024 1. Strzoda, A., and K. Grochla, "A Nature-Inspired Approach to Energy-Efficient Relay Selection in Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN)", MDPI Sensors, vol. 24, issue 11, 05/2024. 2021 2. Byrski, A., T. Czachórski, E. Gelenbe, K. Grochla, and Y. Murayama, "Computer Science Protecting Human Society Against Epidemics", ANTICOVID 2021, vol. 616, no. 616, Virtual Event, June 28–29, 2021, Springer, pp. 125, 2021. 2018 3. "Computer and Information Sciences - 32nd International Symposium, ISCIS 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 20-21, 2018, Proceedings", Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 935: Springer, 2018. 2016 4. Nowak, S., M. Nowak, K. Grochla, and P. Pecka, "Global Queue Pruning Method for Efficient Broadcast in Multihop Wireless Networks", Computer and Information Sciences: 31st International Symposium, ISCIS 2016, Kraków, Poland, October 27–28, 2016, Proceedings, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 214–224, 2016.